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Family Recipes List


A refreshing salad made of mixed herbs, mainly parsley, tomatoes and bulgur wheat.
40 g | Parsley Fresh
70 g | Tomatoes Chucha
10 g | Mint Fresh
2 g | Spring Onions
8 g | Bulgur Fine White
60 g | Lemon
20 g | Olive Oil
0.2 Tbsp | Salt Fine
Wash parsley and mint and dry very well. Then chop parsley and mint and set aside.
Chop tomatoes into small cubes and the spring onions into circles and then coarsely chop more.

Soak bulgur in boiling water and cover.
Once bulgur has soaked up all the water, fluff with a fork and set aside
Mix olive oil, lemon juice and salt together and shake well.

Mix everything in a bowl and serve
Place in a large bowl or individual small bowls for all the family to enjoy, or stuff 2-3 tablespoons of the Tabbouleh onto fresh lettuce leaves and place on a platter for a cocktail style format.
Elevates and freshens up every meal. To eat as a salad or you can put the Tabbouleh on lettuce leaves and serve for your guest to eat by biting into the lettuce leaf full of Tabbouleh. The crunchiness of the lettuce marries very well with the lemony taste and the graininess texture of the Tabbouleh.
Conserve in the fridge in a tightly closed recipient.
The conservation time is 2-3 days.
If not consumed on the same day then leave the ingredients separate and mix before serving.

Author: Bashara Hinnawi

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